“Cheetah Bolt Cable” Power Saving-Type Heater

16th, Environment / Energy

“Cheetah Bolt Cable” Power Saving-Type Heater

"Cheetah Bolt Cable" Power Saving-Type Heater

This heater cable uses a sheet heater made from a high heat generating material, which can generate heat up to 1,200 °C in a few seconds. Its excellent temperature raising speed and waterproof property can be used for gardening and snow melting. Furthermore, it can flexibly be installed according to the size and need. This clean and powerful heating system, that doesn’t use fossil fuels, can contribute to reducing the impact on the environment.

Netsugen inc.
Address 1-1-12 Kuriki, Asao-ku, Kawasaki-shi 215-0033, Japan
Tel +81-44-328-9931
Fax +81-44-328-9941