KAGLA (registered trademark number 5823014), uses glass material unlike gravestones that use mainly stone, achieving embossing of colors and patterns that have not been easily expressed with just stone. It uses durable cast glass (patent number 6864878) that can handle Japan’s climate. With exposure tests carried out in Hokkaido and Okinawa, it has excellent results and reliability when it comes to durability (As of 2023, it has not cracked once due to heat exposure). They are the first to manufacture gravestones that use Japanese-made cast glass.
Oki Seki Co., Ltd. | |
Address | 11F Socio Isago Bldg., 1-10-2 Isago, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki, 210-0006 JAPAN |
Tel | +81-44-221-1114 |
Fax | +81-44-221-2233 |