Automated coating weight measurement system and thin film membrane coating device

Measuring Instruments, 13th

Automated coating weight measurement system and thin film membrane coating device

Automated coating weight measurement system and thin film membrane coating device

This is a thin film lamination layer coating device that can instantly measure and manage trace amounts of coating weight, as little as 0.01mg/cm2. It possesses various patented technologies, including the Impact Pulse® construction method that can thinly and uniformly apply coating on various kinds of coating materials, including uneven surfaces.Their fuel cells, water electrolysis, solid-state batteries, next generation rechargeable batteries, and next generation solar cells (Perovskite solar cells) are all highly praised, and are used by world-leading Japanese and overseas companies (for example, vehicle manufacturers and research institutes). This device can also be applied to other fields.

Mtek-smart Corporation
Address 【Kawasaki LAB.】KBIC # 115 7 – 7 Shinakawasaki Saiwai-ku Kawasaki, Kanagawa 212-0032
【YOKOHAMA Office】8F,#12 Nisso Bldg.,3-6-12,Shin-yokohama,Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0033
Tel +81-45-620-8062
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